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shipbuiding industrie and a growing industry

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Q: What two industries grew because of the demand for fishing vessels in the 1800s?
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Whether Oracle and C sharp have demand in IT industries?

Yes they do have.

What condiction was the northern economy in at the end of the civil war?

Very prosperous because of the huge growth of the war industries and the demand for food from the farms.

Are the employers and employees responsible for the death of your industries?

No. INDUSTRIES (not individual companies) die because demand for the product dies and no work quality issues can save you. There is no more buggy whip or beaver top-hat industry.

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the march on Washington was caused because blacks didnt have jobs so it was to demand more jobs for blaks in the defense of industries

Why is maximum demand necessary?

sir, i want to know about maximum demand controller, to control electricity maximum demand is required for industries to avoid any penalty, thanks.

What was the result of the demand for automobiles in the 1920?

It stimulated growth in many other industries

How do you suppose Britain's industrial economy may have contributed to the diffusion of British culture and customs around the world?

they lost their dominance to foreign competition. britains coal mines and traditional industries were in rapid decline. british industries suffered because many were inefficient and because their products were not in demand.

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"Overpaid" is an opinion in a Capitalist economy. Athletes are paid so highly because they are in very high demand, and the sport industries make a significant amount of money off of this demand. Because the industries make so much money, they pay as much as they can to attract the best players to play for their team, as most players are going to play for whoever offers them the most money. If society wanted to reduce athletes' pay, the way to do that would be to eliminate the demand of athletes and the industry would no longer profit.

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There is a growing population of both technical experts and demand of technical support.

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Globalization has led to increased competition in Pakistan industries, forcing them to improve efficiency and quality to remain competitive. It has also opened up new markets for Pakistani industries to export their products to, allowing for potential growth and expansion. However, globalization has also made these industries more vulnerable to external economic shocks and fluctuations in global demand.

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Industrialization created a high demand for labor to support the growth of industries. This demand led to the expansion of slavery as a way to meet the workforce needs of industries such as cotton farming and manufacturing. The efficiency and productivity of slave labor made it an attractive option for many industries during the industrialization period.

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Calcite is in demand for various industries such as construction, agriculture, and pharmaceuticals due to its properties like hardness, transparency, and chemical composition. It is used in the production of cement, fertilizers, and as a source of calcium in supplements.