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No sport uses a shillelagh. It can be used for various things, like a walking stick or for carrying a bag or as a weapon and is occasionally seen as a symbol of Irishness by Americans.

No sport uses a shillelagh. It can be used for various things, like a walking stick or for carrying a bag or as a weapon and is occasionally seen as a symbol of Irishness by Americans.

No sport uses a shillelagh. It can be used for various things, like a walking stick or for carrying a bag or as a weapon and is occasionally seen as a symbol of Irishness by Americans.

No sport uses a shillelagh. It can be used for various things, like a walking stick or for carrying a bag or as a weapon and is occasionally seen as a symbol of Irishness by Americans.

No sport uses a shillelagh. It can be used for various things, like a walking stick or for carrying a bag or as a weapon and is occasionally seen as a symbol of Irishness by Americans.

No sport uses a shillelagh. It can be used for various things, like a walking stick or for carrying a bag or as a weapon and is occasionally seen as a symbol of Irishness by Americans.

No sport uses a shillelagh. It can be used for various things, like a walking stick or for carrying a bag or as a weapon and is occasionally seen as a symbol of Irishness by Americans.

No sport uses a shillelagh. It can be used for various things, like a walking stick or for carrying a bag or as a weapon and is occasionally seen as a symbol of Irishness by Americans.

No sport uses a shillelagh. It can be used for various things, like a walking stick or for carrying a bag or as a weapon and is occasionally seen as a symbol of Irishness by Americans.

No sport uses a shillelagh. It can be used for various things, like a walking stick or for carrying a bag or as a weapon and is occasionally seen as a symbol of Irishness by Americans.

No sport uses a shillelagh. It can be used for various things, like a walking stick or for carrying a bag or as a weapon and is occasionally seen as a symbol of Irishness by Americans.

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11y ago

No sport uses a shillelagh. It can be used for various things, like a walking stick or for carrying a bag or as a weapon and is occasionally seen as a symbol of Irishness by Americans.

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How can the word shillelagh be used in a sentence?

The Irishman used a shillelagh to defend himself against the thugs.

What is another way to spell shillelagh?

Another way to spell shillelagh is shillelagh.

What does shillelagh mean?

A Shillelagh is a walking Stick, usually made of Blackthorn.

When was Shillelagh Sisters created?

Shillelagh Sisters was created in 1983.

What is a kendo stick and shillelagh in wrestling?

They are used as weapons and the kendo sticks are "baboo swords" and shillelagh is a top half of a hand stick that's the simplist way to explain.

What does Shake your shillelagh mean?

"Shake your shillelagh" is a playful expression that means to have a good time or party enthusiastically. A shillelagh is a traditional wooden club from Ireland, so shaking it in this context is like dancing or celebrating with energy and excitement.

Can you give me a sentence using the word shillelagh?

yes this is one i don't know what shillelagh means. sorry but it is a sentence.

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Did the Irish use a horses penis for a shillelagh years ago?

No...horses have a vascular penis so it could not effectively be used as a shillelagh. For this to work the animal would need to have a large penial bone. Something a horse doesn't have.

How long is a shillelagh?

95 feet

What are some meanings of the word shillelagh?

A 'shillelagh' is traditionally an Irish fighting stick. It is thought to be derived from the Gaelic words 'sail' meaning 'mallet' and 'eille' meaning 'strap'. The classic shillelagh is three feet long, though there are smaller variations which have different names.

What is finlays weapon?

It's called a shillelagh