Anything that requires shoulder Adduction really, e.g. Basketball, Baseball, javelin and hockey. A better question would be what sport(s) is the pec major most dominant in. Hockey is probably the best example because the most associated action is striking the puck with a stick, however this would also involve the rotator cuff muscles along with many other muscles too.
You use your pectoral muscles in sports that involve pushing movements, such as weightlifting, push-ups, and swimming. Strong pectoral muscles are important for upper body strength and stability in various sports.
The antagonists to the pectorals are the muscles in the upper back, specifically the rhomboids and trapezius. These muscles work in opposition to the pectorals to allow for controlled movement and to prevent injury.
The pectorals are muscles that are considered to be organs. They are fan shaped muscles that are located in the anterior chest.
Orcas use their pectorals for balance, steering and for slapping the surface of the water to communicate
Your chest muscles.
Chest muscles
Quadriceps, hip flexors, calves. Additionally, biceps, triceps, abdominals, pectorals, and glutes
The atissimus obrsi abdominals is the prime mover in a sit up.