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Canada is into usual western types of things and they're big on hockey and Lacrosse

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Q: What kind of activities do canadians do?
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Are Canadians kind to Americans?

Yes we are kind to Canadians as they are to us.

What kind of jobs do Canadians have?

Canadians have the same jobs that everyone else does!

In what major plant-related activities do Canadians take part?

Canadians participate in activities such as gardening, farming, and forestry. Gardening is a popular hobby for many Canadians, while farming and forestry are significant industries in the country. Canadians also enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and exploring natural areas that feature a variety of plants.

Why canadians pursued physical fitness?

to stay healthy and so they can do activities

What kind of house do Canadians live in?

yellow tents

What kind of music canadians listen to?

birds singing

What kind of donuts do the Canadians eat?

Tim Horton donuts.

What kind of discrimination do french Canadians face today?

not a clue

What kind of jobs did the Japanese Canadians do?

They fished, did railway construction and helped by forestry and fishing

Why are French Canadians so rude?

The few French canadians I ever met were really kind. That said in every culture you can meet someone who is fed up with our own behaviour.

What are french speaking Canadians called?

French-speaking Canadians are called Francophones.

How do the canadians kill time in the winter?

Canadians often stay active in the winter by participating in winter sports like ice hockey, skiing, snowboarding, and ice skating. They also enjoy cozy indoor activities like reading, baking, or spending time with family and friends around a fireplace. Many Canadians also take advantage of the winter months to explore the beauty of their surroundings through activities like snowshoeing or ice fishing.