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fs discount Archery has them for 137$ new.

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Q: What is the value of a viper 68 deluxe long bow?
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What is the value bear kodiak special deluxe recurve bow?

It depends on the condition and what the buyer is willing to cough up!!

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How long was an Iroquois bow?

an average bow was about a meter long\

Which is faster long bow or short bow?

A short bow is faster

What is the difference in a long bow and a short bow in runescape?

Nothing realy just that short bow is stronger but dosent shoot as far as a long bow.

In the game maple story what is red viper for a bowmen?

It's a type of bow. It's for level 35 bowmen and it has an attack power of 50.

What is the value of your Ted Nugent Martin Bow?

what is the value of a martin elite compound camo colored bow autographed by ted nugent

What archery bow shoots the furthest?

long bow

Is bow a long O sound?

Yes, a bow as in archery and a fancy knot in a ribbon is long.

How long was the Mayflower from bow to stern?

From Bow to Stern was about 2 1/2 feet long.

How effective was the longbow for the intended purpose?

After the invention of the bow was the long bow. The long bow had the loading rate of a ordanary bow. It also had the power and force of a crossbow and a greater accuracy and shooting distance.

Is bow a long or short vowel sound?

"Bow" has a long vowel sound, like in "boat" or "go."