Roughly $60 but it might not be in perfect condition because of your alcoholic dad...
Its perfect therew are no disadvantages Its perfect therew are no disadvantages
A classic stainless steel Swiss army watch with black leather will vary in worth. It generally depends on the overall condition of the watch. If it's in near-perfect condition, you may be able to get at least $1,000 for it.
If it was in perfect condition it's fake.
Depends of exact version and condition,price for citroen 2cv in perfect condition is up to 15000$
The Berenstain Bears - 2002 Visit Fun Park The Perfect Fishing Spot was released on: USA: 2003
grand banks - Newfoundland, Canada
Someone can sell a used but perfect Coach leather handbag on sites like Amazon, eBay or other sites that allow people to sell their used products or clothing.
$1.50 in average condition, $5 in perfect condition
Depends on how much it's used, or what condition it is in. Perfect condition: Around $99 Not so perfect condition: anything under $99
The Royce Leather Passport Travel Wallet seems to be what you are in need of. This passport wallet is ideal for keeping your passport in and also has a no bend pocket. So not only will your passport be in perfect condition but, it also has 6 slots for credit cards and other card shaped accessories.
In perfect condition, it could be worth somewhere around 160$ or maybe a bit more.
In ORIGINAL perfect condition the value could easily exceed 15,000 maybe even 20,000 but I'd be hard pressed to believe it's original perfect condition without examining it.