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Q: What is the value of a Winchester 3030 commemorative buffalo bill octagon barrel rifle serial wc113708?
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What is the value of a buffalo bill commemorative rifle 30-30 with octagon barrel in excellent condition?

100-400 usd

Need information on a Winchester buffalo bill commemorative pin?

!@ 122,169 rifles and carbines made in 1968. Medallion in stock. Nickel plated butt, barrel bands and forend cap.RIFLE had a 26 inch hvy bbl\CARBINE came with a 20" heavy octagon barrel50-500 USD depending on condition.

What is approximate value of a Winchester 1894 with nickel receiver and Indian on one side and buffalo on the other. Numrich arms octagon barrel.Serial number is cu95983?

Requires professional appraisal.

What is the approximate value of a Winchester 1894 with nickel receiver and Indian on one side and buffalo on the other. Numrich arms octagon barrel. The rifle is in very good shape?

Requires professional appraisal.

How much is your Winchester 1894 worth serial OFW9150 It has an octagon barrel and nice side carved plates with pictures?

If your rifle is the Oliver Winchester Commemorative rifle and is in unfired condition,with the box and hang tags it will be valued at 895 dollars.If it has been fired and no box and tags are present,it will be valued at 350-400 dollars.

What is the age and value of a Winchester pump octagon berrel rifle model 90-22wrf?

because its an octagon around the 1900s

What is the value of a 30-30 caliber Winchester Model 1894 octagon barrel?

== == What is the value of 30 caliber Winchester 1894 ?

Trying to find the value of a Winchester model 94 30-30 octagon barrel Theodore roosevelt commemorative also has stamped on the chrome or nickel plated receiver 26th president 1901-1909?

Being a commemorative doesn't really increase the value much. Compare it to one of the same year with the same features in the same caliber and add $50, ($100 if you still have the box and papers)

Price on 3030 buffalo bill commeemorative octagon barrell?

If it has been fired around $500.00

What year was Winchester model 61 22 caliber with octagon barrel rifle were manufactured?

Provide sn.

I LIKED Barrel octagon 26 inches Winchester 30-30 model 1894?

good to know

How many Winchester 30-30 model 94 classics with 26 inch octagon barrel were made?

You need to try posting over at They live and breathe Winchester.