A industry in which people do sport and leisure. Or just leisure, because sport can be classed as leisure
Commercialized leisure would be any leisure activity that is advertised such as professional sports, computer video games movies and the travel industry.
What are the elements of leisure industry
an industry which runs lesuire centres etc
Pennsylvania's state sport is football,not one dang idea about the state leisure is,what is a leisure anyway?
Tudor leisure is where they do different sports and they do different activites and try to make friends
The leisure activities in NC were farming, trading,etc
sports and physical activites
its leisure industry
Parks and recreation administrator and theme park administrator are a couple. Include the cruise ship industry and possibly work at professional sports venues.
Marlow boxing club is in marlow pound lane sports leisure centre Marlow boxing club is in marlow pound lane sports leisure centre
Any other leisure spending. E.g. Cinema, sports, music, whatever you spend your spare money on.
there is mercury burgers and piky mickes