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Q: What is the specs on a Fred bear epic extreme bow?
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How much is naughty bear on xbox 360?

dunno but the epic naughty hat is only naughty with the hat on the bear ya punish on top hat one with flower on it

Do K2 Extreme sell their products online?

K2skis sell K2 Extreme products plus ski and Evo. Evo has a four star rating and looks the most trusted out of them. Also have a look at epic ski for more information.

What lesson can we get from Ramayana story?

The moral of the Ramayana epic is that under no circumstances, one should shy away from truth, even under extreme hardship in life,

Why is epic banned on Roblox?

Epic is not banned on ROBLOX, epic is epic and will always be epic xD

What is epic and mock epic?

Epic is a long narrative poem and mock epic is type of an epic about holding a person up to

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Why is Star Wars an epic?

story is epic, action is epic, characters are epic, do you see now

What are the four main attributes of an epic?

Epic, Epicly Epic, Epicly epicly epic and small

Was the storyline for the movie The Lion King based on the epic sundiata?

Well, The Lion King and the African Epic of Sundiata do bear story similiarites, but the filmmakers stated The Lion King was based on Hamlet and the Joseph and Moses stories on the DVD bonus features of The Lion King Platinum Edition DVD. Since the filmmakers didn't mention the African Epic as an inspiration for the film despite its similiarities, the storyline for The Lion King wasn't officially based on the African Epic of Sundiata.

What is the purpose of an epic?

To be epic

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How epic is rosie?

Extreemly epic, and (this is an extreordinary achivement) EQUALLY AS EPIC AS MIA!