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Q: What is the special term when hitting the center of the target face in archery?
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In target archery how many points is the most inner part of a target worth?

On an NFAA indoor archery target the center, also known as the bull's eye, is worth 5 points. On a Vegas indoor target it is worth 10 points

Which color is the center of the target in archery?


What is the difference between field target and 3D archery?

Field target archery is when your in a field and your a long distance away from the target and 3D archery is like doing archery inside.

How are the rings arranged on an archery target?

The rings of an archery target are concentric circles.

Where is the archery target hidden in superbia?

If you mean the archery target for the brave task then it is in the trading post.

What are the rings in an archery target called?

A Target

What is target archery?

Answer it is shooting a arow at a target.

What is the Name of center of archery target?

The entire lot would perhaps just be called a target, but there are individual names for the sections... The stand the target rests on would simply be called the stand. The straw backing on a target is called the "boss". The paper picture with the Archery rings or equivalent scoring system is called the "face".

What is an example of an archery contestant showing good precision but poor accuaracy?

Accuracy implies that there is no deviation from the desired result. Precision implies a consistent closeness to the desired result. An archery contestant whould show poor accuracy because the arrow is always off the target center. Good precision because it is always close to the target center.

What is anus meanings in archery?

the target

What starts with a T and is to do with archery?


What is the term missing the bull's eye in Archery?

The centre of the archery target is called the Gold.