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Q: What is the most vital survival tool?
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What are the most vital elements to survival?

Charles is tha ANSWER

What river is vital to the survival of Egypt?

The Nile river is vital to the survival of Egypt.

Is the stomach a vital organ?

Yes. Without it, you will die. Therefore it is vital to your survival.

Use the word vital in a sentence?

Water is vital for survival. i.e we need water to live.

What creature do you most associate with bamboo?

Pandas are always associated with bamboo. Many of the bamboo areas which are vital for the Pandas diet and survival.

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Words that rhyme with rival are: * archival * arrival * revival * survival

Animal vital to Native American survival?

horse and buffalo

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Would you rather have a diamond or a hammer as your only tool for survival in a deserted island"?

If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only choose one tool for survival, would you prefer a diamond or a hammer?

What is the best way to prepare food for survival situation?

Your most vital nutritional needs in a survival situation are protein and fat. Most insects are rich in both.Knowledge of only one or two wild edible plants can be of great help. However, at the first stage of a survival situation, plants are the most appropriate diet as plants are easily accessible and contain the necessary carbohydrates.

Even if the boys hate piggy why do they still need him?

The boys may dislike Piggy personally, but they recognize his intelligence and his ability to think logically. Piggy's glasses also provide a critical tool for making fire, a vital resource for their survival on the island. So, despite their feelings towards Piggy, they still rely on him for his contributions to their group's survival.

What is the reason for a tomahawk?

Cutting, splitting, self defense, and a survival tool.