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Q: What is the most popular parasitic plant in US homes in December?
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Is a parasite a plant?

Mistletoe is a parasitic plant that is used as a decoration at Christmas. It is mostly popular in English-speaking countries.

What Christmas plant is a parasite?

Mistletoe is a parasitic plant that is used as a decoration at Christmas. It is mostly popular in English-speaking countries.

Is a betel plant a parasitic plant?

It is not a parasitic plant but a vine, an evergreen and perennial creeper

Why dodder is a parasitic plant?

cause obviously it is a parasitic plant DERR

How did mistletoe become popular around Christmas?

It was popular thousands of years before Christmas because it has pretty berries and it is a strange, parasitic plant.

What type of plant is the least known plant?

Parasitic plants

What kind of plant is an example of a parasitic plant?

Cuscuta Parasite Plant Dodder

What kind of plant is rafflesia arnoldii?

it is a parasitic plant like rafflesia

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Parasitic plants

What is a plant that cannot produce food for itself because it has no chlorophyll?

A parasitic plant.

What is parasitic Tree?

A parasitic tree is a type of plant that depends on another tree or plant for nutrients and resources to survive. It attaches itself to the host plant and absorbs water and minerals from it. This relationship can be detrimental to the host, as the parasitic tree competes for resources and can weaken or even kill the host plant.

Epiphytic and parasitic plants grow on?

Epiphytic and parasitic plants grow on plants. It helps support the host plant.