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Kip Strosin

Lvl 13
1y ago
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12y ago

PADI RDP: 4 minutes

Buhlmann: 15 minutes

DCIEM: 1 hour

BSAC: 3 hours

Old U.S. Navy: 10 minutes

NAUI (old Navy modification table): 46 minutes

NASE and SSI (old Navy modification table): 1 hour 30 minutes

New U.S. Navy: 10 minutes

Michigan Sea Grant (Huggins): 1 hour 31 minutes

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13y ago

In table 1 (PADI RDP dive table), go to 60 at the top and follow it down to 42 which is the closest higher number. That is group Q. Flip to table 3, find 50 on the right and follow it to the left to 61 since there is no 60. That is group D.

Go back to Group Q on table one and go across to find D. That is your time 1:12

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14y ago

The U.S. Navy Dive Tables indicate that the surface interval needs to be a minimum of 2 hr and 59 min..

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13y ago

the answer is 00:28

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11y ago

1 hour and 12 minutes

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4 minutes

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Q: What is the minimum surface interval required between a dive to 60 feet for 40 minutes followed by a dive to 50 feet for 60 minutes?
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