the draw lengthon a nova s7 bow can be adjusted between 27-29 inches
PSE Nova compound bow is high on the list of most deer hunters. The most important thing is to determine the draw and weight you need for your size and strength.
On the PSE Nova (2001 Nova OC with r6 cam), you want to tighten the limb bolts all the way on both limbs. Then start backing them out equally on each limb. 1 full turn out is somewhere between 2-3lbs. I would take a crayon or a pencil and mark a line for reference so you know exactly where one full turn is. My Nova is stamped on the limbs to not back the bolt out more than 4 turns. So you can assume an 8-12lb. draw weight reduction.
$150.00 - $250.00
While the brand of a compound bow is important to its quality there is no specific best brand although I would chose one of the brands most heard of for the quality such as PSE, Bowtech ect... Before you make a choice in the compound bow you chose you need to shoot a few of them and get the one that is most comfortable to you. Make sure the bow is set to your Draw Length and make sure you can pull back the Draw Weight as well all these things feeling comfortable to you is very important on how good you will be able to shoot.
For off-the-shelf bows, it is currently the PSE Omen. The PSE X-Force Omen Pro shoots arrows at up to 366 feet per second under IBO (International Bowhunting Organization) rules. The 2nd fastest bow is currently the APA King Cobra at up to 362 fps. The New BowTech Insanity and several other models at rated at 355 fps. The speed is usually measured using a 350 grain arrow with the bow set up at a 70 lbs. draw weight and 30 inch draw length. In the real world shooting at lower draw weight and shorter draw length and using a heavier arrow like say a 400 or more grain, you would see more like 320 fps or less on such bows. Published speeds for bows are always IBO speeds based - as stated above - on 350 grain arrows, a 70 lb. draw weight and a 30 inch draw length with nothing else on the bow - no stabilizers, dampeners, sights etc.
There should be two bolts on the bow, one on the top limb and one on the bottom limb
I had the same bow new back in 1986
35, says it on the factory sticker on the lower limb.
nope, brute is better value has same cam as madness bow,shoots close to same in fps. 100-150 dollars cheaper, brute bow is physically as tough a bow as any 1500 to 2000 bow on the market period. I have owned 11 new pse bows and many other big named bows and the bruteX with proper setup is as good if not better than any out there. No other bow has the same feel as a pse only someone who has owned many of them will tell you that. if a bow doesn't feel correct in your hand then don't waste your money & time on it no matter who makes it or how cool it looks.
A 2002 used Buckmaster bow in good shape, should sell for under $100.