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There is actually no real difference between a "longbow" and a "bow", since a longbow is simply a type of bow. There are many types of bows, as used in Archery, and each type includes various sub-types: Longbow; Recurved; Flatbow; Shortbow; Reflex/Deflex; Compound; Crossbow; etc.

While some people believe that a longbow must be made for the specific height of the particular person who will be using it, the only things that makes a bow a "longbow" are that it is normally (but not always) longer in length (nock to nock) than a recurved bow of a comparable draw-weight; the limbs are normally not very wide when compared to a flatbow of comparable draw-weight; and that when "braced" (when the string is installed on the bow) the string does not touch any part of the bow except at the nocks (the grooves the string sits in at the very ends of the bow's limbs).

A "longbow" does not have to be six feet long to be usable by a person who is 6 feet tall. In fact, a "longbow" can technically be almost any length, so long as it meets the above three requirements.

The Samick "Raider" Longbow is an example of a longbow that is "short" in length (it is only 60-inches in length), and when un-braced it resembles a recurved bow, due to its Reflex/Deflex design. But when braced, the string touches only the nocks, which makes the bow a Longbow.

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archery means competition bow and arrow are the things used in the competition

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Q: What is the difference between a hunting bow and a target bow?
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Those that prefer hunting with a bow state that the main advantage is that you are much closer to your target when hunting. The overall experience is said to make them feel closer to nature.

What type of bow uses wheels and cables and is the most popular now for hunting and target shooting?

That would be a compund bow

What are archeries?

Archery is the sport of shooting at a target or hunting animals with a bow and arrow.

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What is a bow and arow?

Arrows are straight pointed sticks with fins to make them fly straight. A bow is the tool used to propel the arrows at a target. The bow and arrow are used in the sport of archery, and some sportsmen still use them for hunting. Before firearms were invented, the bow and arrow were probably the most common tools used for hunting.

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No you do not have o have a license to buy a hunting bow you can go to a place like a pawn shop and buy a hunting bow

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No. Bow rosin is bow rosin.

How can you find more information about bow hunting deer?

One can find information about bow hunting deer from a number of different resources online. One can find instructional videos for deer bow hunting on YouTube. One can also find information on deer bow hunting on websites such as Instructables, HubPages, and Deer & Deer Hunting.

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it means light or medium i think

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