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The cleat hitch knot is primarily used to prevent the boat from floating away from the slip. It is merely a half-hitch, secured about the dock's cleat. It is the same knot used to secure the halyards (near the bottom of the mast), and the flag (near the bottom of the flagpole).

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Q: What is the cleat hitch knot used for on ships?
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What knot best used to attach sheets to sail?

It depends on what you're trying to do. The best all around knot I've found is the bowline...holds fast is easy to untie, but again, there are others better suited to specific uses. For instance a figure-eight knot is the most commonly used stopper knot. Slipping clove hitches are good for securing square sails when they've been furled. Daisy-chains are typically used when furling stay sails and jibs. A slipping half-hitch is usually used on gaff-rigged sails when furling. The list goes on, as it really does depend on the use. But I would say that if you only knew two, go with the bowline and figure-eight knot. --- I think I'd add in the Sheet Bend and the Sheepshank. Then Bowline on a Bight, and Prussic.

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The overhand knot, square knot, granny knot, lark's head knot, half hitch, and the clove hitch are all basic knots used for macrame. See the related link(s) below for more information:

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A clove hitch is a type of knot used for securing a rope around an object, like a post or a pole. A reef is a knot used to shorten sail by tying a sail to the yard or boom.

What is a knot that is used for a ship?

Reef Knot, Bowline and Granny knot are just three examples of some knots used in ships.

Why is a knot used for measurements?

A "knot" is the measurment of speed for ships and boats in the water. 1 knot is 1.150779 mph 1 knot is 1.852 km/h

What is the definition of freel?

A complex knot used for sail rigging on ships.

What is the difference between a hitch and a knot in Boy Scouting?

Knot is the generic term that includes hitches, bends, and stoppers. Hitches are used to tie a line (rope) to another object, Bends are used to tie two lines (ropes) together, and stoppers are used to stop a line from slipping (usually at the end of a line). Just remember you tied your horse to the hitchin(g) post.

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What is knots compared to miles per hour?

Miles per hour are used when on land and knots are used by ships and boats

Im looking for a knot that was on Mythbusters it was the knot used to shimmy up the building It only moved up the rope and couldn't go the other way does anyone know the name of it?

The practice of climbing using only ropes (not actually climbing the curface of a rock) is Prussicking (or Prusiking). The knot is a Prusik Knot or Prusik Hitch. There are various sites on the internet where the technique and the knot it self is discussed and demonstrated.