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Assuming you are asking about insurance, coverage would be determined by your insurance company, not the State of Minnesota. The State of Minnesota will not pay for damage to your car if you hit a deer.
The laws vary by state. In my state 40 lbs is the minimum. I think it should be 50 myself. Yes Bear bows have taken countless deer.
500 lbs from my state, Minnesota.
Georgia Outdoors - 1992 Archery Deer 3-39 was released on: USA: 1993
Georgia Outdoors - 1992 Deer 'Archery' Hunting - 7.5 was released on: USA: 1996
None, if you are not a resident of that state then you need to get a non resident license to hunt. That is how each state keeps track of game taken and also takes in money for game preservation. No license from one state is good in another state. (Dag, he said he had an out-of-state license.) It is mostly unlimited if you have the money. See the link and read the rest of this: Hunters may purchase and fill any number of Archery Antlerless Deer Hunting Permits during the archery deer season in all counties BUT: Bollinger, Butler, Carter, Dunklin, Iron, Madison, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Reynolds, Scott, Stoddard and Wayne.
Georgia Outdoors - 1992 Deer 'Archery' Hunting 7-5 was released on: USA: 1996
It depends on the year (mostly realted to deer population and health). Here are the deer hunting season dates for 2010. Deer Archery Season: 09/18/2010 - 12/31/2010 (about 14 weeks) Deer Firearms: 11/06/2010 - TBD (TBD based on deer population) Deer Muzzleloader: 11/27/2010 - 12/12/2010 (about 2 weeks)
The Plastic ones
On Your Own Adventures - 2009 Nevada Archery Deer 3-2 was released on: USA: 1 January 2011
There is no Minnesota state mammal at this time, becaue the State legislature could not pass a bill to select a mammal. There have been seveal attempts over the past twenty or so years. The white-tailed deer has been proposed at least eight times, and the Eastern timber wolf has received support at least six times, as the official Minnesota animal or mammal. Minnesota actually doesn't have a state Mammal. They tried to make the white tailed deer our state mammal and the angry voter as our state mammal but that didn't work so Minnesota officially doesn't have a state mammal.