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If it is a standard target the bigger circle should be 7 and the smaller red circle should be 8.

Standard target has 10 circles and are worth 1-10 points going from biggest to smallest.

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Q: What is red worth on the target in archery?
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In target archery how many points is the most inner part of a target worth?

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Field target archery is when your in a field and your a long distance away from the target and 3D archery is like doing archery inside.

How are the rings arranged on an archery target?

The rings of an archery target are concentric circles.

What type of activity is archery?

You shoot a bow and arrow in it and try to hit the red target in the middle.

What is arrangement of rings in archery target?

Starting from the outside. White, Black, Blue, Red, Gold

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If you mean the archery target for the brave task then it is in the trading post.

What are the rings in an archery target called?

A Target

What is target archery?

Answer it is shooting a arow at a target.

What colour is the inner ring of an Olympic archery target?

Over the years and around the world many different designs of archery target have been used. I'm sure some had red in the centre. However, today in target archery (e.g. as shot at the Olympics) the target face is standardised and the centre (which is never called the "Bullseye" by archers!) is yellow and is normally referred to as "Gold". An image of a target face can be found at Other target faces do exist; the most noticeably different would be one used for field archery which is all black apart from the centre which is, again, gold.

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What starts with a T and is to do with archery?
