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Q: What is it called when further outside is ahead of inside in a track?
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If the inside lane of a 400 meter running track is 100 meters what would be the measurement of the outside lane on a six lane track?

It would be the same because they line you up further ahead the more outside you get in the starting line to make up for the difference.

What is rising out of the saddle at a trot called?

This is called posting. When you are trotting your horse in a circle and posting to the trot you should be rising out of the saddle when your horses "inside" (meaning the foot that is inside the circle) front foot is behind and sitting when the foot is ahead. This is called the correct diagonal.

Why do meerkats stand on their back legs?

To see further ahead.

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Stabilizing mechanisms are common in many biochemical pathways in the body. They are called negative feedback because they can be turned off by the accumulation of products further ahead in the pathway.

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Is Greece England japan or new zeleand's time zone further ahead of California's time zone?

They're all further ahead. For example... When it is 10:38 p.m. on Monday in California it is: 6:38 a.m. Tuesday in England (8 hours ahead) 8:38 a.m. Tuesday in Greece (10 hours ahead) 3:38 p.m. Tuesday in Japan and.. (17 hours ahead) 7:38 p.m. Tuesday in New Zealand. (21 hours ahead)

What is inside an allergy shot?

Anything the government wants to put in it. It it proven that we Americans have no idea what is inside vaccinations and just go on ahead and get it.

When you are at a two lane roundabout can the car on the outside lane go right when the car on the inside is going stright ahead?

A two lane roundabout is hard to find and pretty is pointless to have two lanes when you know the plan is to turn right anyway.

What the best way to control events that occur outside of your vehicle is to?

plan your route ahead of time

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The song is called, "Ahead of the Game" by a group called "The Movies".

What is the distance you can see ahead called?

the visibility