In "April Showers" by Edith Wharton, the conflict revolves around the main character, Mr. Farley, who struggles to balance his ambition for success and wealth with his desire for a more fulfilling life. The conflict comes to a head when he must choose between continuing his pursuit of material gain or embracing a simpler, more genuine existence.
April showers bring May flowers!
April Showers has written: 'Sexually satisfied'
April Showers - song - was created in 1921.
April Showers - 1948 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G
Theodore Wharton was born on April 12, 1875, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.
April Showers - 2009 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:MA Germany:12 USA:R
ER - 1994 April Showers 7-18 was released on: USA: 19 April 2001
The Dodge Dancing Party - 1955 April Showers was released on: USA: 14 April 2012
The month traditionally associated with showers is April. This saying comes from the phrase "April showers bring May flowers," highlighting the transition from the rainy weather of April to the blooming flowers of May.
The possessive form for the proper noun April is April's(April's showers).
It depends on the April showers