Camogie is an Irish stick and ball sport played by women. It is almost identical to hurling, played by men.
St.ciallians won the camogie all Ireland :)
the same as everyone else they go out with friends, go to the cinema, swimming, on the computer their no different they don't even speak a different language. Irish people (like me) like to go shopping play Gaelic, Camoige, Irish Dancing, Playing music. We love our language but since so many people from other countries live in Ireland we cant speak it day to day. We should be able to go into a shop and speak it no problem but we cant and we wouldn't do it in front of someone we know who wouldn't be able to understand it but then if you go into a shop and theres two Indian or Chinese or whatever nationalaity you are they have no problem speaking there language in front of you. I think this is disgraceful. Sorry for getting off the point. We love to have a laugh and hang out with our friends and family.