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The recoil of a bullet being fired from a gun is a good example, the action force is the gun pushing the bullet away from the gun and the reaction force is the bullet pushing back against the gun (recoil).

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Q: What is an example of an action reaction forces?
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Which is an example of action and reaction forces?

An example of action and reaction forces is a person pushing against a wall. The action force is the person pushing on the wall, while the reaction force is the wall pushing back on the person with an equal force in the opposite direction.

What are the forces in equilibrium?

action and reaction

What are action -reaction forces?

Forces that are equal and anti-parallel.

In atmosphere why there is no reaction of any action?

Forces ALWAYS come in pairs - as in "action/reaction". The atmosphere is no exception. For example, if the air pushes an airplane up, then the airplane also pushes the air down.

Why does and object move if the action-reaction forces are equal?

action = reaction, but they works in the different object

What statement about action- reaction force is incorrect?

Action-reaction forces act on the same object.

What will the action and reaction forces always be?

Equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

What will always be the action and reaction forces situation always be?

Newtons third law says that the action and reaction forces in any situation will always be equal.

What forces equal in size but opposite in direction?

action-reaction forces

What Forces equal in size and opposition in direction?

action-reaction forces

What does action and reaction forces mean in physics?

Action and reaction forces refer to Newton's third law of motion, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that when one object applies a force on another object, the second object will exert an equal force back onto the first object. These forces act on different objects and not on the same object.

Does the reaction force occurs before the action force?

The action and reaction forces occur at the same time.