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Q: What is a mud skipper what is a mu skipper?
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How mud skipper breaths?

mud skipper breathe using its lungs in the air and gills in the water

What is skipper?

mud skipper is a type of fish who can live in or out water

What do mud skipper eat?


Does a mud skipper have a back bone?


What is the Common name of mud fish?

The common name for mud fish is snakehead fish.

What vertebrates group does a mud skipper belong to?


What animal eat dry mudskippers?

No animal eats the mud skipper, but humans do eat it. The mud skipper is eaten in japan, Korea, and china. That is how they are also threatened. They are eaten in soup.

Does mud skipper lay eggs?

Yes mud skippers lay eggs. Mud skippers are a type of fish that can use their fins to walk on land.

Scietific name of mudfish?

Neochanna Galaxiidae)

What is the longest mud skipper in the world?

the longest one found was 12 feet long!!! no joke!

How fast is a mud skipper?

approx 10 cm / sec for a fish about 2 to inches long

Which animal has the same adaptation as the crab for breathing in water and on land?

mud skipper and any shell fishes .