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Many things can occur when the ball goes out of bounds...

(1) If the ball goes over a side line last touched by an attacker, the defense receives a throw-in.

(2) If the ball goes over a side line last touched by a defender, the attacker receives a throw-in.

(3) If the ball goes over a touch line (not between the goal posts and under the crossbar) last touched by an attacker, the defense receives a goal kick.

(4) If the ball goes over a touch line (not between the goal posts and under the crossbar) last touched by a defender, the attacker receives a corner kick.

According to FIFA Laws of the Game. Youth rules may be modifided.

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12y ago
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14y ago

If the ball goes out of play on the sidelines, then the team who did not kick the ball out of play goes to throw it back in to their teammates. If the ball goes out of play on the goal-lines, and it was an opponent who kicked it out, then its a goal-kick. If it was an opponents side of the field, then it will be a corner kick.

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6y ago

It is a throw in given to the opposite team of those who kicked it out of bounds.

If it goes out on the endline or by the goal it's either a corner kick (kicked out by the defending team) or a goal kicked (kicked out by the attacking team)

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15y ago

usually the ball boys give the goalie another ball for a goal kick then they go chase he ball that went out.

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13y ago

The game is then restarted with a goal kick or corner kick. It is impossible to tell which. You did not specify which goal line it crossed or who "opponent" was.

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13y ago

It would depend on whether the opponent was the attacker or defender of the goal line in question.

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12y ago

the player of the oppisite team gets a frewe kick

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Q: What happens when a soccer ball goes out of bounds in a soccer game?
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Depending on which team kicked it out of bounds, the other team sends one of their players to throw the ball back in to play towards one of their own teammates.

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Like any referee, they make sure the game is being played by the rules. They are the judges as to whether or not a play is fair, and who gets the ball after it goes out of bounds.

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An overview of soccer?

Soccer is a sport where there is a large rectangular field with netted goals on each end of the field. The point of the game is to try to make the soccer ball go in the opposing teams net. You have to keep the ball in bounds. If your team kicks the ball out of bounds, the opposing team throws the ball in with two hands over the head, making sure to keep their feet on the ground. You must only use your feet in this game, except for throw-ins. Also, the goalie can pick the ball up when the ball is in the area marked off that is close to the goal. The goalie must try to not allow the ball to make it into the net. If a goal is scored, the opposing team scores one point. If someone uses their hands on the field and they are not the goalie, there is a penalty called. When this happens, the ball is placed on the ground from which the foul occurred and the opposite kicks the ball. That is a basic overview of soccer!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!

Is the ball out of bounds if it is on the line?

The answer depends entirely upon which game you are referring to.

Define corner kick in soccer?

Well it basically explains itself... one person from the team that didnt kick the ball out of bounds stands in the corner closest to the other teams goal. They kick the ball to their team, and the game continues from there.

When is a fly ball out of bounds?

A ball is out of bounds if it lands out of the designated playing area. These areas are the stands or dugouts. There may be more special areas depending on the field the game is played at.

Why was the soccer ball named 'soccer ball'?

they are balls and they named after the game and that's how it got soccerball

How the soccer ball apply in the game?

The entire game revolves around the soccer ball. It is passed, kicked, dribbled and scored with. Naturally, it is used in the game a LOT.

What is a sentence for soccer?

We lost the soccer game again.The soccer ball needs inflating.