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Q: What equipment is needed to play hopscotch?
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Related questions

Did children play hopscotch in world war 2?

Yes we did play hopscotch during WWII.

What are the equipment needs in playing hopscotch?

Chalk and a good imagination...

How do you play the game hopscotch?

you play hopscotch by jumping on 1 then 2 then 3, etc.... until you get to 9

How do you play hopscotch in Singapore?

YES not sure

What are the equipment used to play dama?

Wooden Board

What Equipment is needed to play vollyball?

AnswerA net, volleyball, ref and players are needed to play volleyball.

What did games did children?

Tudors play with cards, play football and hopscotch.

Do rednecks play hopscotch?

Rednecks (hillbillies to some peaple) play hopscotch.Anyone can play hopsotch.

What equipment is needed to play soccer?

You will a ball, goalposts, boots, a kit, and somewhere to play

What games do Pakistan people play?

Soccer, Cricket, and also the kids play hopscotch

How do you play hopscotch World War 2?

The same way you would play in now.

What do Japanese children do in their free time?

They play hopscotch and eat sushi