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Q: What equipment does a referee need in a game of handball?
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What does a referee need to know in order to be able to referee a football game?

the rules

What equipment does an assistant referee need for soccer?

An assistant referee DOES NOT need a whistle. They need a uniform (shirt, shorts, socks) and an assistant referee flag. That's pretty much it... oh, and soccer cleats will probably help!

Is their any other equipment you need for wheelchair basketball other than a wheelchair basketball and hoop?

you also need a referee

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What equipment does a badminton umpire need?

Typically a Badminton umpire needa watch with timer and/or stopwatchone yellow, and one red card ( black card if you are a referee)a clipboardat least one penthe scorecardSome equipment's need to be provided by the championship organizers, like:scoreboard ( electronic or manual, if it's manual, need to be placed at a side of the umpire chair )umpire chairshuttles ( that are under umpire care and responsibility during the game )

What does an assistant referee need to know?

An assist referee should know all about football. He should know as much as the referee so that if the referee is blinded or very far away the assistanat referee could give decession after consulting with the referee.

Does a rugby union video referee need any qualifications?

Yes, a rugby union video referee is a qualified Rugby Union Referee.

Where did handballs come from?

Handball has developed from a number of similar games, which were in existence at the start of the 20th century. These games were played in Central and Northern Europe and in 1926 Standard International Rules were established. In 1928 the International Amateur Handball Federation was established by 11 countries during the Summer Olympic Games. This body later became the present International Handball Federation. In the early part of the century Handball was an eleven-a-side game played outdoors on a soccer pitch and indeed this version of the game is still played by 'Veterans' in countries such as Austria and Germany. As the popularity of handball spread throughout Europe, major modifications were being considered in Northern Europe due to the more severe climate. The need for indoor handball became apparent. As an indoor game, handball became faster and more colourful and rapidly grew to become popular throughout Europe. Indoor handball and the outdoor field version enjoyed equal popularity until the late 1960's. In 1965 the Olympic Committee approved indoor handball for the Olympic Games and the name 'Handball' now refers exclusively to the indoors 7-a-side version. Refer to:

What equipment do you need to play playstation2 online?

A telephone to connect to and a game for the internet.

What are the rolese of a referee?

The role of a referee is to oversee the match, to make sure that it is played fair, and to make important game-changing decisions to affect the game, such as calling penalties when players misbehave

What equipment does a basketball referee need?

As a referee myself, I can answer from a personal perspective. The essentials are obviously a whistle and a watch (professional refs often have two watches - one stopwatch and one quartz). A notebook to record score with red and yellow cards, as well as a coin to flip to determine who takes kick-off.