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Anaerobic exercise is exercise without oxygen, in other words, exercise that does not get you breathing hard. Doing a single squat or bench press are examples of anaerobic exercise.

Actually, every exercise is at least slightly aerobic or slightly anaerobic. Also, many anaerobic exercises can be made aerobic simply by doing more of them, for example, doing 50 bench presses or squats without pausing.

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14y ago
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10y ago

Anaerobic is the term used when a living thing can survive without oxygen. It can also be used to mean just simply lacking oxygen.

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14y ago

this is a type of sport that last only seconds and oxygen is not used e.g Sprinting

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Q: What does the term anaerobic refer to?
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What term means able to live without oxygen?

The term is anaerobic. Anaerobic organisms can survive and thrive in environments with little to no oxygen.

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No, Pseudomonas is a facultative anaerobic bacterium, which means it can grow in both aerobic (with oxygen) and anaerobic (without oxygen) conditions, but it tends to prefer aerobic environments.

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Anaerobic bacteria or facultative anaerobic bacteria.

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It is said to be anaerobic, which means "without oxygen". The opposite of "anaerobic" is "aerobic" which means requiring oxygen.

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The term that best defines a bacteria that can survive without oxygen is "anaerobic." Anaerobic bacteria do not require oxygen for growth and metabolism.

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What term means living without little or no oxygen?

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What describes a process that does not require oxygen it means without air?

The term for a process that does not require oxygen is anaerobic. Anaerobic processes can take place in environments without air or in the absence of oxygen. This type of metabolism typically produces byproducts such as lactic acid or ethanol.