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I have never heard of any "Archery" in the body, but there are some similar sounding body parts.

The brachial arches in embyros develop into the mandible and larynx.

Otherwise, the arteries in the body acts as a tube for blood to be circulated away from the heart, with veins returning to the heart.

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Do you need upper body strength to do archery?

It depends all on what type of archery you are doing

All about archery?

Archery- Is an olympic sport can also ba an athletic sport. It can be a daily routine or a habbit as long as you mentain your body.

What is the aim of archery?

If by aim you mean motive then the motive of archery like any sport is to train ones body both physically and mentally. Archery can also improve ones aim and hand eye coordination.

free summer camps for teens with archery lessons?

Archery is a great way to work someones mind and body. You can check out this website for several different camps that would work best for your child.

What is the difference between an archery and a vein?

Archery is a sport involving shooting an arrow with a bow. A vein is a blood vessel responsible for returning deoxygenated blood from the body back to the heart.

What do people shoot arrows at?

Archery, and some types of hunting.

What are archeries?

Archery is the sport of shooting at a target or hunting animals with a bow and arrow.

What organizations help to regulate archery and its standards?

There are many organizations dedicated to "regulating" archery and the standards of competition. The following is a list of some of the most prominent of those organizations.FITA (Federation Internationale de Tir a l'Arc), an international archery federation which regulates the Olympic Archery competitions, the World Cup Archery competitions, and many other international archery competitions.IBO (International Bowhunting Organization), an organization which promotes and sponsors bowhunting around the world.USAA (USA Archery), the organization which promotes, regulates and sponsors Olympic-style archery in the United States of America (U.S.A.).NFAA (National Field Archery Association), promoting and sponsoring bowhunting, target archery, and other kinds of archery in all it's many forms and styles in the U.S.A.AAS (Archery Association of Singapore), promoting and sponsoring archery in Singapore.Archery GB (formerly Grand National Archery Society), the national Governing Body for Archery in the UK (United Kingdom, also known as Great Britain).There are, of course, many more archery organizations around the world, the majority of which regulate, promote and sponsor archery competitions and activities at Regional and Local levels.

What is sky archery?

sky archery was a brand of archery like a sky conquest

How is archery similar to other sports?

It involves physical activity and competition in that activity against others. it is a very competitive sport

What are the regulation in archery?

there are no regulations of archery

Is archery 'played' or 'practised'?

Archery is practised but not played, you shot archery you don't play archer