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The best of your PHYSICAL ability. Meaning, you can no longer do anything more without completely stressing your body out.

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Q: What does physical capacity mean?
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Force is the capacity to do work or cause physical change.The capacity to do work or cause physical change.

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Physical maturity refers to the state in which a person has fully developed and grown physically, including reaching their full height and reproductive capacity. It is marked by the cessation of physical growth and the attainment of full physical capabilities.

It has been said that the decline in physical functioning from young to middle adulthood can be thought of as change in the balance between physical demand and physical capacity This would translate?

As physical capacity decreases with age, the demand for physical activity increases.

What is the current capacity of a 1999 Buick regal?

If you mean passenger capacity, it is 5. If you mean oil capacity, it is 4.5 qts. If you mean fuel capacity, it is 18 gallons.

How is forced described?

The capacity to do work or cause physical change.

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physical size

When you measure something in the meters cubed?

When you are measuring the volume or physical capacity.

What protect the heart and lung from physical damage?

Participate in physical training activities to enhance your lung capacity,such as swimming, etc.