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A schooner is a type of sailing vessel first used by the Dutch in the 16th or 17th century. It has fore and aft sails on two or more masts.

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What was it like working on a schooner in 1909?

Hard and dangerous work

What is the antonym of schooner?

antonym for schooner

What type of boat is a schooner?

A schooner is a sailing ship.

What is lighter prairie schooner or conestoga?

a prairie schooner

What is a good sentence USING schooner?

Here are some sentences.A schooner is a type of boat.The pirate captured the schooner.

When did Schooner Jenny happen?

Schooner Jenny happened in 1823.

When was The Christmas Schooner created?

The Christmas Schooner was created in 1996.

Why was the Schooner wagon considered faster than others?

I'm not aware of the schooner wagon being faster. However, the difference I am aware of is the schooner wagon used no draft animals to pull it. Instead it had a sail and the wind provided the force to propel the wagon, much like a ship at sea.

How fast is a schooner?

Pirate ships could always overtake a loaded schooner...

What is the difference between a tall ship and a schooner?

Nothing. A schooner IS a tall ship.

What do you use for a sentence for schooner?

Example sentence - My favorite water craft is a schooner.