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Q: What do people exchange when they are getting married?
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Name something couples echange when getting married?

couples exchange vows when getting married.

What are rings to do with getting married?

people exchange rings as a symbolof their love, you might think why not a necklace or bracelet, but the answer to that is, they are easier to break, and once tey have broken, so is your love.

What do you exchange when you get married?

Couples exchange vows when they get married. They may also exchange wedding rings.

If you are getting married name something besides a wedding ring that couples exchange when they get married?

Vows, Garlands, Love, Kisses, Business cards, pre-nups

What do people do after getting married?

Go on a honeymoon

What are the advantages of getting married at a right age?

there is no right age to get married. It depends on the 2 people who are getting married. age has nothing to do with it. If you love the person and you know you are ready to be married then do it.

What do exchange when getting married?

You exchange vows. You know... those mushy things you say to each other. It's up to you if you want to make your own vows or follow the church's vows. Also, You exchange rings. No duh. >.>

What is the meaning of tie the knot?

Tying the knot usually means that two people are getting married.

Do you think That you will every get married?

Getting married is a personal preference that some people choose. Some people do not decide to get married until they are older. There are people who do not think that they will get married but end up married when they meet the right person.

What happens when laity people get marry?

Actually, nothing happens to lay people getting married. they're just married.

When getting married do both people have to be present?

Yes, otherwise I would have married Sandra Bullock.

Who is getting married today in Europe?

close to 40,000 people get married each day in Europe.