The Anglo Saxons made clothing and textile production. Most of their clothes were made from wool. The women did the spinning and weaving to make clothes.
Vikings and Celtics
AngloSaxons and Vikings
When you say that the early Anglo-Saxons were pagans you mean that the people did not believe in a Supreme Being.
Because the Romans brought with them the education, Engineering skills, and the markets that made the wealth that made these things possible. When the Romans left they took with them the skills and instructions to build these things. At the same time the market shrunk and there was not the same pressure to educate them self. Freedom can be wonderful but it can also be a problem in the wrong hands.
The land that is now known as Utah and New Mexico were part of the Mexican Union, according to the Constitutions of 1824, and 1836, one was a federal Constitution the other was Centralist Constitution, but both prohibited slavery, after these states were seized by the USA, after the Mexican American war, I do not know if the anglosaxons instated slavery probably they did just like in Texas.
Intelligence is not determined by race. People of all races have the potential for intelligence and abilities in various areas. It is important to avoid generalizations or assumptions about one race being "smarter" than others.
"Made of" and "Made from" can mean the same thing. "That can is made from aluminum." "That can is made of aluminum." However, they can't be used the same in every situation. You can say: "That house is made of wood and made from workers." But you can't say: "That house is made of workers and made from wood."
It was made it was made on the Internet
it is man-made and made out of ponies
He was made by the big bang