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Q: What country was most popular for tie dying?
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Related questions

When was tie dye popular in great Britain?

Tie dying became popular in the late 1960's and early 1970's.

When did tie dying start?

in the 1960s

How many tie dying methods are there?


What alternatives can I use instead of soda ash for tie-dying?

You can use baking soda or washing soda as alternatives to soda ash for tie-dying.

Where was tie dying discovered?

No site tells me when tie dying was first discovered or who discovered it OR whereit was first discovered!!!!!!!Other wise a pretty good site. :(

What is the best way to tie a tie for a suit?

This is a personal opinion question but the double windsor knot is the most popular knot for ties in the US and is also to most the most fashionable tie knot in the US as well.

What is the most popular way to tie hair for girls?

Most Girls Put It Up In A Ponytail.

What is the role of the salt in tie-dying?

to make it fade

Where did tie-dying first originate?

It originated in the west

How do you tie dye shoes?

with difficulty seeming most tie dying practice's use knots.

What is the most popular women's name?

looks like a tie between Emily and Mary

Which moshling is the most popular?

chop chop, iggy, or blingo 3 way tie