No it is the CAUSE of your fishing problems. Dynamite fishing should be totally illegal and banned outright. Anyone caught doing it or selling dynamited fish should be put in prison for 10 years.
slogan of dynamite fishing 'i dont know'
yes you do use dynamite
for use the dynamite for fishing the fish are died
I have no idea what dynamite fishing is but it sounds awesome!
For me,dynamite fishing destroy the ecosysytem,that if you use dynamite when fishing the ecosystem of fish will be destruckted and the fish will go to anonther ecosystem>>><3....Thats All Thenk You
1.)Why use dynamite? Do these fish put up such a fight? 2.) A fishing pole is a hook at one end and patience at the other while dynamite is disaster at one end and a fool at the other.
paano ma pipigilan ang pag bobomba sa karagatan ng mga fisher man
dynamite fishing and muro ami can destroy corals so if there are less corals, less corals will be produced.
Fishing with a line and hook; fishing with nets; eating things other than fish.
dynamite fishing.