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They are Adventure+Action+Shooting Games.

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Q: What are the games like farcry?
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Does FarCry 2 resume FarCry Instincts and FarCry's story?

No it does not. The only reason it was called FarCry 2 was to increase sales because of the success of their first two games.

What ps3 games have map editor?

The only games I know of right now are FarCry 2 Infamous 2 and FarCry 3 (not out yet).

What is better farcry 2 or left 4 dead?

Well i haven't played farcry but i like Left 4 dead It just depends if you like shooting zombies or terrorists. Ive played both and Far Cry 2 is one of my all time favourite games and to be honest Left 4 Dead although good its a bit short

When was the original FarCry released?

FarCry was published by Ubisoft in 2004. It is a first-person shooter game for Microsoft Windows. FarCry has spawned several series of sequels since it's release.

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Where can you download Far Cry 1 for free without the use of torrents?

Search for Area 51 and open the pictures OK? And then open that weird game picture of a alien OK? And there's a small list of free games ((LEGAL!)). The Farcry 1 will be there and its legal... Farcry was free some time.

Why is FarCry 2 an 18?

because they swear.

How don you start the valley of the yetis in FarCry 4?

One would start the valley of the yetis in FarCry 4 by first signing up for free.

On farcry 2 you dont get phone calls?

for me i do sometimes

Is their multiplayer in farcry 2?

yes it is multiplayer and it is great

What are some cheats for farcry vengeance?

theres no cheats for it.