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Q: What are the five reasons why people do not participate in popular participation?
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An audience is defined as a group of people watching a show. Therefore, audience participation would be defined as a group of people who participate in the show they are watching.

In what ways does democracy encourage people to participate in bringing changes?

Participation skill ranges from complete in activity to a full activity

Why is people's participation in regional development important?

Peoples participation in regional development is important because of several reasons. Those reasons include community development, strategizing, problem solving, and stimulating progress.

What is a sports participation pyramid?

it is a pyramid describing how people participate in sports. Simplez.

Why do people participate in Football?

There are various reasons that people participate in the sport of football. For example, they do it to improve their level of fitness.

Federalist system affect politics participation by?

The federalist system affects politics participation by allowing more opportunities for citizens to participate in politics. In federalism a large group of people have one person they choose to represent them.

What is popular participation in government?

Popular participation in government refers to various shemes that get the public involved in their country's government. It can refer to the democratic election system or systems like the U.S. government's "We the People" petition arrangement.

How do citizens participate in autocratic government?

Autocratic: government power high participation low and citizen participation absolute Oligarchic: Government power political power select and general citizen participation rule by a few Democratic: Government ruled by the people like the US Government power citizen participation I'm in gifted social studies

How do you calculate survey participation rate?

Survey participation rate is calculated by dividing the number of people who completed the survey by the total number of people invited to participate, and then multiplying the result by 100 to get a percentage. The formula is: (Number of completed surveys / Number of invited participants) * 100.

When is the word participate used?

Neither, the word 'participates' is a verb; the third person, singular, present of the verb to participate.The noun forms of the verb to participate are:participator (singular) - participators (plural)participant (singular) - participants (plural)participation (uncountable)

Popular Sovereignty?

The concept that political power rests with the people who can create, alter, and abolish government. People express themselves through voting and free participation in government

Why do people participate in sports?

People participate in sport for a number of reasons some being: To stay out of trouble, to gain fitness, for social reasons e.g. to make new friends, for enjoyment, to win, to gain the 'feel good factor', they may have been forced by their parents, if you participate in sport then you are healthier and therefore you live longer. These are just some of the reasons why there are many more..