the disdadvanteges are namely the loss of water. Water provides turgidity for plants, and is necessary to undergo the process of photosynthesis. 95% of water absorbed by plants is released in transpiration. Transpiration Is rightly known as a necvesray evil.
What are some advantages and disadvantages of being a dentist
what are some advantages and disadvantages about being a teller
what are some advantages and disadvantages of dictatorship
what are some advantages and disadvantages of child care service
What would be some disadvantages
No Advantages Disadvantages Only
Disadvantages--it may offend some people. Advantages--remind one of spiritual path.
There are no advantages, and the disadvantages are only because of prejudice and hate. One day, there will be no disadvantages either.
Advantages and Disadvantages of equity
You can get addicted to it
There are several advantages and disadvantages of using 1 KG inorganic refrigerants. Some of the advantages and disadvantages are cost, energy efficiency, safety issues, and system issues.