In general, labor saving devices are things that reduce the amount of effort required by people to accomplish a task. There are countless examples. One might be mechanized farm equipment. Without the machines we use to work the soil, plant the crops and bring in the harvest, we would not be able to grow so much food and get it to market. The difference between say, a group of people, each with a scythe cutting wheat and a combine cutting, threshing and winnowing the wheat all in one continuous operation is almost as dramatic as the difference between black and white. A combine can do in a few minutes what a crew of a few dozen would take all day to do with hand tools, like was done back in the day. (And a combine will do all the steps in one pass delivering finished grain out the auger transfer into a truck or trailer. A hand crew would cut, bundle, transport, thresh and winnow the grain in stages.) Another might be computers. The power of the machines to "crunch numbers" makes them indispensable in the modern banking and finance world. The computers credit and debit huge numbers of accounts all day, and there aren't enough bookkeeping types around to balance books day in and day out like the computers.
Devices that save a person time and energy in the performance of some activity. Some examples are kitchen appliances, washers and dryers.
labor saving devices - these devices reduces the need for manual labor, n reduces the of time spent doing task
washing machine
Agricultural Revolution
When labor saving devices were introduced housewives had options that made housework easier. Food lasted longer because refrigerator storage was more reliable.
the answer is women.
Hm almost common everyday devices such as a forklift that cuts the labor in weight, the wheel, a wheel barrow, a lawn mover, a pulley system.
They work in many different ways to save you labour.
labor-saving devices
Vacuums, Ipods, Cars, Television, Washing machines
it saves time,energy,and redues fatigue in humans
Because the device does the work you would be doing, causing you to be lethargic.