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Q: What are archery rules for owning and using archery tackle in Illinois?
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What are rules for archery?

i want to know the rules of archery

How old must you be to have an airsoft gun in Illinois?

you have to be 18 to BUY one no rules against owning one you can be 2 for ods sake

What special rules have changed in Archery?


The rules of archery?

Um...rules? There's really no rules, just don't point a loaded bow at people!

What is ground rules in all sports?

Dont tackle people.

How can you get a copy of Illinois Rules of the Road?

For the list of Illinois Secretary of State online publications, including Rules of the Road, see related links.

What are the tackle rules in rugby?

below the neck, and no spear tackles. Clothlines are now acceptable.

How do you tackle harder?

you can't.... the NFL has rules against it now. Pretty soon it will be flag football.

Tag rugby rules?

Tag rugby is a sport that is often played in schools. The rules are the same as normal rugby but you tag people rather than tackle.

What are the similarities between flag football and tackle football?

Well, mostly all the rules are the same, the only difference in the rules are the ones that have to do with contact. Tha whole point is also the same

Is touch football and touch rugby the same thing?

No. Touch is touch rugby league is tackle google the rules :)

Where can you find rules and regulations for womens tackle football?

Typically league rules are posted on their website or you can request a copy from the league office. In general leagues try to align their rules with major men's organization rules so NFL, NCAA, etc.