Gar are a long fish with a narrow body and several needle-like teeth.
the needle nose gar bill fish eats crusteans
A gar fish can reach lengths up to 6 ft and weigh 300 pounds.
no, you should keep your alligator gar with your fishes or else your alligator gar will eat them.
The alligator gar is found in rivers and lakes of the southern U.S.
Yes, the alligator gar is a fish; it's called an alligator gar because it is a big fish which has a long, narrow but very toothy jaw which looks like the jaw of an alligator. Alligators themselves, of course, are reptiles
a gar is similar looking.
All gar eat smaller fish, which they catch with their needlelike teeth.
Feeder fish
it produces multiple fish
Insects and small fish.