you can kill any animal with 50 pound bow Indians have been doing it for thousands of years with 30-40 pound bows
Increase the length of the string.
It surely can, but it will depend on the shot. In my country (Hungary), however, it is illegal to hunt with any bow, compound or reflex, with a draw weight below 50 lbs.
well i am 14 and weigh 125 pounds i shoot a 60 pound bear mauler, so a bow between 30 50 pounds is fine.
The initial phase of drawing is hard until the let off phase of the bow comes into operation making it easier. When the bow is at full draw the holding weight will be much less than the weight delivered to the arrow. The gain in mechanical advantage when drawin and holding the bow is due to the pulleys or cams used in the bow.
It is: 50/4 = 12.5 pound
50 kg = 110.23 pound, approx.50 kg = 110.23 pound, approx.50 kg = 110.23 pound, approx.50 kg = 110.23 pound, approx.
convert 50 cincuenta bolivares to the pound
depends on what state you are hunting in, in Pennsylvania you can hunt any where aslong as you arn't tresspassing and you are 50 yards from any building for archery and 150 yards for guns
50 lbs.
50 1/8
each luggage 50 pound than how many 50 i am aliowed to carry