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The most popular sport by far in the DRC, is soccer. 90 to 100% have played soccer

somewhere, about 50-70% played it well. They have such a passion for soccer that

many kids even skip dinner just to play it. I'm from Congo and played soccer for 12

hours in two days . On the first day, I'll play it for 4 hours non-stop without taking

a break for even water, see the passion. Other sports which are also popular are

volleyball, Basketball, swimming, ping-pong, I wouldn't say running but my best 100m

dash time ever without any particular training was 10.25sec, so how many people are

faster than that.

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15y ago
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12y ago

The most popular sport in the Republic of Congo is soccer

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15y ago

there favorite sport is soccer or (football)

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11y ago
hockey because its the best sport ever
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Most popular is football

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15y ago

Shuffleboard, croquet, and ice fishing

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Soccer, the worlds sport

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mostly soccer.

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one of them is Baseball

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People's Republic of the Congo's motto is 'Travail, Démocratie, Paix'.

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