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soccer filed

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Q: What's the direct object in the scentence Jill asked us girls to go to the soccer field?
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Whats the difference between indirect objects and direct objects?

A direct object receives the action of the verb, and an indirect object receives the direct object. Example: Maria kicked Jim the ball. "Ball" is receiving the action, "kicked". It is getting "kicked", so it is the direct object. "Jim" is receiving the "ball"- so "Jim" is the indirect object.

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Example of a direct object?

"John likes James" - John is the subject and James is the direct object."John threw the ball to James" - John is the subject, the ball is the direct object and James is the indirect object.Some more examples of direct objects:In each sentence, "math" is the direct object...He likes math.She does math everyday.They don't know math very well.You can ask a question using the verb to find the direct object in the sentence, so...Who does John like? JamesWhat did John throw? the ballWhat does he like? mathetc.Be careful, however. Sometimes what looks like a direct object, is not a direct object at all. For example:"Greg went to the store"Here "the store" is not the direct object. There is no direct object in this sentence, actually. "The store" is actually the object of the preposition because it follows the preposition "to".If you ask the question,Where did Greg go? You get the answer, "to the store". You get a prepositional phrase as the answer, not a noun like James, the ball and math.You might be wondering why "James" is not the object of the preposition in the second sentence, "John threw the ball to James". Well one easy way to tell that James is the indirect object and not the object of the preposition is to rearrange the sentence. "John threw James the ball". You can't rearrange "Greg went to the store" like that.

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