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your backyard

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Q: Places you can use for a purpose of such as sport?
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yes, the fire safety of places of sport act 1987 was done in east london and then the

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The purpose of the NHRA is to promote the sport of hot rod racing. They advertise and do news releases about the sport to generate national interest in hot rod racing.

What is incline planed?

it is like a ramp and its purpose is to get something say a rock from a low places to high places so you don't have to use so much forces at ounce in stead just gradually use forces .

What is a incline plane?

it is like a ramp and its purpose is to get something say a rock from a low places to high places so you don't have to use so much forces at ounce in stead just gradually use forces .

Why people travel for sport purpose?

most people travel for sport purposes, because they want to support their team or to do sport them selves- like skiing.

What is the purpose of sports?

the purpose of sport is to keep yourself fit and healthy but to have fun as well.

How does physique affect sport?

it dosent specifically effect you in the sport but having a good or purpose built for that particular sport will give you and advantage over the other players

What were most roman chariots made for?

Roman chariots had a duel purpose. Chariot racing was a big sport in ancient Rome, thus chariots were made for the purpose of racing. The military had use for chariots to travel to various destinations in the empire.