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u would not want 2 see.It is very gruesome and may cause u 2 puke!

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Q: Pictures of a hanging slide I mean the hanging slide which children use in the playgroud?
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Hanging drop slide?

A hanging drop slide is a technique used in microbiology to study living microorganisms under the microscope. A small droplet of liquid containing microorganisms is suspended from a coverslip on a microscope slide. This method allows for observation of the organisms in a more natural, undisturbed state.

How do you delete pictures from all the slides in a PowerPoint presentation?

If they have been individually put on individual slides, then they will have to be deleted individually. If they have been put on by use of a Master Slide, then they can be deleted from the Master Slide.

What is a 35mm slide scanner used for?

The 35mm slide scanner is used for scanning pictures. It can scan pictures and send them to devices such as a personal computer or other storage device.

Where can you find pictures of a cylindrical slide rule?

There is a link below.

Can a Pantech Matrix set a slide show of pictures as it's wallpaper?

yes. if its not a video if its under the catigory of pictures then yes it can. (mine background is a slide show of ice creams) =D =D

Is a Little Tykes slide safe?

Yes, the Little Tikes slide is safe. As long as children are supervised, and are not left alone, the slide is perfectly fun and safe for children.

What are some songs to play background for toddler pictures in a slide show?

Something by lugwid Van Beethaven would be spectacular. it's perfect for children. my sister is 3 and loves the music melody

How do you spell slide?

That is correct spelling of "slide" (to glide, or a fixture on a children's playground).

What is the name of the microscope slide with the dip in it?

The microscope slide with a depression in it is called a concavity slide. It is specially designed to hold liquid samples or specimens that require a lower profile for observation under a microscope.

What does normal faulting mean?

Normal faults are when you have hanging walls that slide down relative to and below the footwall. Dip-slip faults are normal faults.

What is that music video called where it's just pictures?

A slide show with music.

What is a sentence with the word slide?

She smiled as she watched the children slide down the playground slide.