Some three letter words with a vowel in the middle are:airbowcatdogeatforguthitionjamkitlapmannotourpunquaratsiptapvatwinyewzoo
Some examples of CVVC (consonant-vowel-vowel-consonant) words include "rain," "keep," and "feet." These words are typically two-syllable words with a long vowel sound in the middle.
Some words ending in the vowel O are:bongobravohalohelloherojellopianopolopotatoshampoosilosolotattootomatoweirdozero
Some words ending in the vowel O are:bongobravohalohelloherojellopianopolopotatoshampoosilosolotattootomatoweirdozero
Some words that start with a vowel and end in a Y are:animosityanyelectrifyenemyeveryexactlyonlyorneryuglyusury
The second vowel 'o' is often pronounced by some people as a schwa. The vowel should be produced in the back/middle of the mouth with rounded lips as in the vowel sound in 'bore'. But that's what people do and that's how we get different accents.
Some examples of words with a long i vowel sound are: kite, time, like, and lime.
Some words with the "yoo" vowel sound include: Blue True Flu Due
Some words that have the same vowel sound as "bin" are "pin," "sin," "gin," and "thin."
The middle letter of the word "vowel" is "w."
Some words that have the same vowel sound as "bite" include light, right, and kite.
Yes, but these are relatively short words like: par (pair) or dan (they give).