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The flare is easier because you don't need to keep yourself up in the air.

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Q: Is the flare or air flare easier?
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What is a flare connection?

A flare connection is a type of plumbing or fluid connection where a flared fitting is used to connect a pipe or tubing. This fitting has a cone-shaped or flared end that mates with a mating surface to create a seal. Flare connections are commonly used in refrigeration and air conditioning systems.

What does ap stands for in ap flare?

AP Flare = Atmospheric Pressure Flare

How do you put flare in a sentence?

the fire sent a flare into the air.the flare from the fire was warm.

Are flare jeans back in style?

Flare jeans are back in style. There are different variations of "flare" to consider. The most popular flare pants are called boot cut and they have a small flare at the bottom.

Pokemon Pearl moveset for shaymin?

~ Seed Flare ~ Earth Power ~ Air Slash / Psychic ~ Hidden Power Fire / Hidden Power Ice / Grass Knot ~ Seed Flare ~ Earth Power ~ Air Slash / Psychic ~ Hidden Power Fire / Hidden Power Ice / Grass Knot

Why wouldn't you take a flare gun into space?

You might think a flare would not burn in a vacuum, however, they will. The oxygen for the flare to burn is already chemically in the flare. And flare guns HAVE gone into space- as emergency equipment.

Difference between flare and kickflare jeans?

Kick flare are more shaped. They have more of a flare from the knee downwards, whereas the flare don't have such a defined line.

What is the common distress flare?

A red flare/smoke

What kind of flare is Type A?

Rocket Parachute Flare

What type of flare is a type a?

Rocket Parachute Flare

How can you use flare in a sentence?

I will shoot the flare gun.

How do you use the word flare in a sentence?

On July, 4 for ( 4th of July ) everybody lights up a flare of fireworks!