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Believe it or not, jump rope really is a sport. Anyone who disagrees is misinformed. I have jumped rope competitively for three years and I have participated in many competitions. If you do not believe me, look up USA Jump Rope or AAU jump rope.

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Q: Is jumprope a sport
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Is there an olympic jumprope team?

no there is not but in at least one country its a sport but not an olympic sport

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Is Jumprope a compound word?

How long is the longest jumprope ever?

the longest jumprope is where about 80 people can jump in at the same time imagine that! really long!!!!!

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Who are thump jumpers?

a jumprope team

Who invented the jumprope?

Albert Enstein did, when he went to Narnia. But sadly, it never got into the real world and that's why we don't have the jumprope. You never saw this.

How do you play a jumprope?

you jump over a rope

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I am a boy I am bored and I don't know what to do I want to do something outside by myself like a sport can anyone give me some help?

maybe jumprope or dancing or running or imatating or playing with baby dolls and have a tea party

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It's a jumprope game

When did people discover jump ropes?

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