Well I only think that fast pace heavy metal drumming counts as a sort of sport.
No playing an instrument is not considered a sport.
He plays worse than the queen. (refers to playing a musical instrument & not a sport or game.)
no. trombone is a musical instrument. I have not heard of a trombone sport before
Learning and playing an instrument are only going to be of benfit to you.
by yelling
It can be loud but It can be soft and quiet. depending on the percussion instrument you are playing and how you are playing it .
I/You/We/They play. He/She/It plays. The present participle is playing.
If your perfect score is 300 what sport are you playing?
This is not an easy question but I would say that it is easier to play a sport. Playing an instrument takes a certain amount of discipline and intelligence. Playing a sport on a recreational level does take exceptional skills but playing a instrument on a recreational level does require a certain level of expectancy. There is a higher number of people who know how to play a sport than knows how to play an instrument. An average person will have a harder time learning to play a instrument than a sport for the first time. The are few instances where this may not apply because some sports are very difficult to grasp it also depends on the individual. They have also been cases where people with disabilities where able to learn music and play an instrument easy than a sport. A good example of this would be Stevie Wonder a famous blind piano player and singer. Another example would be Ray Charles another blind keyboardist and singer/songwriter. These people with disabilities have exceptional talent in music and are called a musical savant or what is termed a musical genius.
It can be both. If you are playing a sport for a team. Then you are doing a sport. If you just sitting on your sofa, you are watching a sport.
It depends on what sport you are playing.
wanting or going to play a sport