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No, it is learned and maybe a psychological problem. There is a disorder called oppositional behavior. This behavior manifest itself as opposition to any authority figure. A child learns his/her behavior by the age of 4 years old. Disobedience shows up at about age 2, but it is a stage of development. At age 2 a child is learning that he/she is a individual and separate from the parents so when asked a question or told to do something the answer is "no." At this time if parents only threaten to do something and not follow through they are teaching the child that they get what they want by being disobeying the parent. This is usually displayed as a temper tantrum by a young child and as they get older it becomes insubordination and defiance. Parents need to structure the reaction to fit the problem. When you tell a young child to pick up their toys and they don't do it tell them you will give them a choice. They need to pick up the toys or if you do it the toys will be put away for the rest of the day. Once this is done a couple of times and you follow through the child learns you mean what you say. Too many adults tell a child or threaten but are not consistent and the child learns not to listen to the threat or the adult. Never say anything you can't do or are willing to do. There are natural consequences to actions. I was on yard duty the other day and I had a teen boy not using the balls correctly, so I warned him that he needed to play a game with them or I would put them away. He kept it up and I took the balls away. Natural consequences.

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